October 2, 2012

Alameda 2012 Election - Candidate Videos

OMG, OMG, so excited to see an excellent use of "Politubing" at my homey local level! The Alamedan, Michele Elson's online hometown newspaper blog about all things Alameda, just posted some great videos asking each City Council and School Board candidate the same list of questions.

Alameda Local Election '12: Candidate Videos

Can I just say THANK YOU. Baby #3 was born last November and there is NO CHANCE, I was going to have any kind of spare moment to actually attend meetings and speeches to get even a baseline understanding of each candidate. I do care about Alameda. I really do. Have always thought it was a hidden gem. But there's caring and there's reality.

Raise your hand if you have one of those little calendars at home with multi-colors each depicting a certain member of your family and their frazzled schedule? Mine happens to be of the Google Apps variety and I love it. But I have run out of colors and frankly could not put one up for election to-dos.

This has saved me so much time and has alleviated the guilt when you're checking off your voting boxes and quite honestly have no clue about the candidates other than maybe they rhyme with something fun or you think you may have liked one of their lawn signs (and I won't be shy, I LOVE Tom Lynch's yard sign...but I also know him, great guy, President of my kid's PTA a couple of years ago, know he cares and is smart, so he gets my vote sign or no sign).

Alameda, making me proud...

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