March 31, 2007

Rudy Giuliani's "A Proven Record"

Here is the quintessential New Yorker, discussing his proven record. Now I liked Rudy (we're on a first name basis of course) during 9-11 and I've been to New York before and after Time Square was Disneyland and frankly I like Disneyland better than the scary ghetto drug thing it was way back before he was mayor. The very few New York friends I have did have positive things to say about Mayor Giuliani so right away, even though I'm a little leery of his ability to make good personal judgement calls, I'll keep watching. What I'll be watching for are signs of pig-headed stubbornness. That's my major beef with our current President (and I voted Republican plenty of times so back off, I'm still very much a down-the-middle person). I can appreciate someone following their conviction, but sometimes your conviction may have drank someone else's Kool-aid a little too hard and it's OK to take a step back and hear what everyone else has to say.

I don't think you can be President if you're not first of all, absolutely a Type A, and secondly, somewhat enchanted by the personal fame. And that's totally OK. But I'll want a President that has enough Type A in them to get the job done, but not so enthralled with himself that he forgets who his/her boss is (we may be tiny but we're many damnit!).

So Mr. Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the way I "saw'r" it, keep it real, take it down a notch on some issues, and keep making me believe you'll do a better job running our country that some of your personal affairs and I'll keep watching.

This was a good politubing video in my opinion. Got his points across, not overedited, not politube contrived, and for whatever it's worth, he may be a good spokesperson, but he made me believe him. So I'll say thumbs up.

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