March 30, 2007

ParkRidge47 explains "Vote Different" ad

Two great videos explaining how ParkRidge47 (a.k.a. Phil de Vellis - my very first blog post, awww) happened. Truly, truly fascinating. I wrote Phil telling him he seriously left a legacy. Sure, things like this may be fleeting, but he will no doubt be referenced for a very long time I predict. I also told him he was like the Kevin Bacon of politubing. For anyone involved in politubing or its outskirts, you'll figure out what degree you are away from him. Hmm, I'm going to look him up in LinkedIn, this just keeps getting more fun.

ParkRidge47 explains "Vote Different" ad:

YouTube's news and politics editor Steve Grove interviews Phil de Vellis on the making of "Vote Different"

What he says about politubing's affect on the political homefront, it's like I'm talking. When my (very smart already by the way) 4 year old gets to be of voting age, there will be no townhalls. She'll just make a 2 minute video of what she fervently believes in and why, and I will expect that she also provides thoughtful consideration on how it could be solved (otherwise it's just whining) and the candidates will be having to schedule time to watch the million videos the citizen's create so they truly get to know what is important to the country and some really good ideas on how to solve things. THAT would be cool.

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